Inking Along the Way

As of this post, I've already out written last year's entire blog The Radical Write. Granted it wasn't a 365. But last year I wasn't consistent in writing every week. For me it was a grow into it experience. This is usually my first writing of the day and then I go on to write many more pages.

I must commend my friend and relatively new writer who manages to keep up with interesting points and thought provoking posts pretty often--Modern Musings and Toys. Because he agreed to a 365 blog also, he sparks me to keep writing mine. As do you. Thanks for reading!


SavageWit said...

Thanks for the kudos. I know I vascillate between the important & thought-provoking and the lighter fare, but ya can't eat spicy food every day, right?

Lefty Sloane said...

not usually, and some people would say, not with out ulcers.