Hospice for PC

I've been up to my elbows in circuitry and error codes and IM's trying to help me with my ailing desk top. But alas, it's reached motherboard-arrest and exhibits all the signs of a coma. It will either go to the hospital or be replaced. I think it depends on the cost of repair. I think it depends on if I really want to break in my 12th desktop computer...

Does a place exist where people go to grieve the loss of computer files? I'm considering the brain transplant:having the hard drive recovered... This will be the first time I've actually had to put a PC in the care of a shop.

At any rate, I've not been ignoring you.

It's just...trying to nurse a hacking PC back to excellent took more out of me than just plugging in new memory chips. And so far, I have failed miserably.

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