
I always feel better about myself after working out. Given the choice, why would I rather sit here like a lump? It’s harder to make myself exercise when I have such a wide range of justifications: I eat healthy food, I feel pretty good, I have good health, I carry it well.
No one believes me when I tell them what I weigh. It’s as though I wear lead shoes or something..
But carrying it is tiresome. After last night’s discussion with several writers regarding female body image I wonder about getting sucked into a dieting game. Am I seeking a better looking body? The answer is honestly no, because looking like a million bucks, and having the guys turn their heads when I walk into the room doesn’t drive me.  I saw a nutritionist. She had no problem quoting to me from a book she’s currently reading: “At our age, everyone can stand to lose 20 pounds, so just do it.”
While my diet is 80-85% foods that are healthy, in less than ten minutes she pinpointed the true reason I'm not getting any smaller.
“You need to get moving. Him, half an hour a day and you, an hour. To lose weight.” She never faltered.
I didn’t go home and work out that day. I thought about it. Her words sank in a little more and a little more until I realized, it’s pretty much now or never. The longer I wait the more painful it will be. I recruited an extra accountability person. I hope that we can all encourage each other to be a size healthier.

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