Did you ever have one of those desperate weeks where the flow just doesn't arrive? I really thought I was, what with Dr. appointments and various errands that needed run. But when I look over my shoulder, I realize I'm farther ahead than I thought.

I started my week with the rewrites of Alyce Times One. because I had such clarity about where it needed to go after the two readings. My notes for both nights were almost identical. The segues needed a little tweaking and some chatter needed trimmed. I suppose I cut four pages... I love it but haven't exhaled yet. I'm waiting for my co-writer's opinion before I start patting myself on the back.

I purchased Collins Australian Gem Thesaurus. It's barely bigger than a double pack of playing cards and very handy. Half price books. I haven't ever seen one in the states before, so I don't know how readily available they are...

My client's MS has been transformed and the second round edits are less time consuming than the original version. It's amazing the difference of one who willingly accepts the corrections as opposed to one who will not even entertain the idea that they need corrected. Out of six chapters, there are two to go and then I can return it to her.
The writing improved exponentially. She's truly impressive.

My interview with an exciting and forward thinking Public Relations "diva"
from the North and East Coast took just under two hours. I'm in the process of transcribing every word now to build an article around her for her information packet (a paying gig)and a few mags. If I start feeling sorry for myself, I'll have to remember her story.

I have just begun receiving rejections from the first tier of women's mags regarding another interview. I will begin querying the second tier next week.

I'm on track, I guess. I even have two more article ideas I can market that I've already collected some information for. How is your week finishing up?

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