Redeeming Failure

What lies ahead isn’t always as important as how we dealt with what lies behind. I have had to go back to people from my past and make amends for comments, behaviors and attitudes. The farther I travel down the road, the more likely it is that I have offended someone.
Instead of worrying about how much someone had hurt me, I need to remember all the ways I have offended others. If I’ve offended someone, I need to go to them and make it right. Sometimes, it had been an exercise in humility. I’ve brought up events to discover that I offended no one. While it is a welcome relief, I must admit, it’s pretty rare.
When I began this particular journey seeking forgiveness, I apologized to an acquaintance for changing my plans without regard to how it affected her schedule.
“It’s not the first time,” she said. Such statements made me look at the way I dealt with people I considered friends, and re evaluate relationships. Sometimes I’ve made this statement to people when we struck up a friendship, “I promise you I will blow it, fail you, hurt you or disappoint you and it won’t be intentional. But if you tell me, I will do everything in my power to rectify it or make it up to you.”
I want to talk not to make it worse, but to make it work.

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