I went out to the mailbox. Nine times out of ten, the mail isn't for me but, strangely, my daughter. I suppose being at college age explains her recent avalanche. I don't get much mail, but about once a week a magazine shows up for me.
But, I got a surprise. I found a current issue of Harper's. I don't remember subscribing to it. I though maybe I'd sent the trial coupon in. But when I looked on the mailing label, it said that the subscription is for one entire year.
Wow! This is so cool! Someone got me a year's subscription to a great magazine. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I just wish I knew why. Of course, I wish I knew who. But there is something magical about anonymous benevolence that inspires me. So, benefactor, if you happen to read this blog, thank you. I am truly inspired.
May you be blessed. And if you're hoping that the reading of this publication will elevate my writing to the next level, I hope I don't disappoint you.
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