Christmas in Focus

You knew it was coming, didn't you? My anti-Santa blast for the year? Sam and I kicked him out years ago and life has been good ever since. Sam may well have never understood his part in the holidays because we didn't promote him as the focus.
And he still isn't.
If I want to focus on a Sainted Bearer of Packages, my local post office, UPS and FEDEX get my vote. This showing up once a year with all the goods doesn't really get your name in my book.
When I consider story telling and the power of myth attached to even a small grain of truth, it proves true that we remember good tales evenif they're false.
Truth is, a story of a benevolent guy filling stockings would go largely unnoticed in today's society. What happens in Germany, didn't stay there. Why?
If I could have anything I wanted in this life, I'd ask for St. Nick's PR man.


Jack Petersen said...

Your wit is wonderfully refreshing.

As usual.


Lefty Sloane said...

Thanks, me thinks you inspire me...I really could go on a tirade about Santa and the big lie. I really could...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha yes I wasn't ever a fan of the santa. I carried on moms anti santa which is why I did my calc project pic of santa dead with a candycane in his heart. Mucho trabajo.