I'm throwing my pen in the ring as it were to write daily insights of all sorts, stolen bits of conversation, jokes, laughs,the comedic, the sad, the mundane--all fair game. I'm joining ranks with the Blog365. Come on, we'll all travel this road together...
Mortimer Adler
"In the case of good books,
the point is not how many of them you can get through,
This is SO true . . . I find myself racing through good books and have to make myself slow it down. #1 I don't want it to end so quickly #2 I want to get the message and retain it, and #3 A good book is like a good friend; you don't want to say good-bye.
This is SO true . . . I find myself racing through good books and have to make myself slow it down. #1 I don't want it to end so quickly #2 I want to get the message and retain it, and #3 A good book is like a good friend; you don't want to say good-bye.
Well, thank you Max, I'm heading off to the site to check it out. What a pleasant surprise to receive such valuable and timely information. Thank you!
Phinz, i'm a lot like you even when I write, i hate saying goodbye to great characters.
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