The Writing Line

March 1st 08
How are you doing with your writing goals?
Have you made progress on your writing resolutions?

Even though I spent most of January organizing my files, documents and synchronizing pc files in three locations, I managed to average sending out at least two pieces a week. I am currently hoping to jack that up to 5 a week, especially since they are finished pieces, manuscripts (essays, devotions, articles) and fillers.
One play (Alyce Times One) is has reached first draft status, my screenplay ( Silence In Heaven) is going through another revision in March for a contest in May. Meanwhile, my second script is reaching the closure of it’s initial birth. It needs at least 15 revisions. I have another one waiting in the wings after Alyce Times One has been read/produced. The producer will be co-writing that script with me. It’s a story of redemption.
Then while continuing my observations of the crazy planet, my goal is getting paid for writing about them. A related goal, though unspoken is to be fully present wherever I am. It is very easy for me to want to stay indoors and write all day. But beyond a few days, I’m needing to get out and see what’s going on for myself, even if it’s just down the street.

While writing this, I see (on XM) The Streets of Philadelphia. Since I have a friend who lives there, I stop to listen. Bruce Springsteen sings while I think about why did I used to hate his music so much? Lately everything I hear, I like. It unnerves me because Radio Nowhere has to be one of the best songs I've heard in a long time.

The keyboard whose sound bordered on Xylophonic has disappeared. I realize that it was that sound that drove me away from his music.

Oh well. Listening to XM makes me want to stay in today.

I have to get out. DVD's need dropped at the library and I've made some of the worst coffee this week. I think I'll go to the Village Coffee shop and have a large cup of whatever they are brewing today. It can't possibly be worse than what I've done here.

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