Winding Down

I've been noticing something strange. When I write fiction, I don't mind interruptions as much. It seems like a story will go like white water rapids for a time and then you hit a deadzone. I try changing things for about half an hour. IN the back of my mind is a little voice saying, maybe something will happen and I'll use it for my story.

Strangely, I've hit 38,000 words with this one. I wasn't sure how it would flesh out. It's a way to go and I think it could be next year's Kairos Prize entry.
I find writing fiction very different becauseI'm a bottom-liner. I think that's why scripts work for me. You have to present the most information in the fewest words.

Fiction is almost opposite. I'm not sure if NaNo has a screenwriting genre available. But I would have done best there. At anyrate...if I decide to pursue this as a novel, it's got great bones to work with. I'm hoping to write 10K words in the next few days and be a winner by the time the Turkey goes in the oven.

One of my brothers is coming for dinner. I can't wait! ( I bet there will be stuff I can use in the next story...wink wink!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, the glorious, familiar minefield of family! ;0)
love, susie