What is Your Best Gift?

Some of us have been giving gifts a long time. Some years we manage to get the one thing our loved ones really wanted.

Many years ago, my daughter's  father and I sent a gift to an extended family member whom I had never met. When it arrived, she called to tell us how insensitive and impersonal the gift had been. I was horrified by the ingratitude. Clearly not subscribers of the philosophy, it's the thought that counts.

I think about one of the pastors at my church. He buys his wife gifts every year and then after ward, they review the gifts. He has a knack for getting the wrong thing. He admitted that he chokes almost every year. I keep hoping he'll tell us a story about giving her the perfect gift.

A couple of married acquaintances in Florida drove each other crazy by taking back every gift the other bought them.

I like to give. I came from a large family that believed in making gifts and investing your self in them with one's time and talent.
"Those are the gifts people remember," my dad said. I didn't have a lot of money, but I tried to give one gift that might last--I made Christmas cards for my friends. (I heard later that many people saved them.)

I like to give so much that I forget that others like to give to me. When people give me gifts, I am always always surprised because I never expect them.To the exasperation of my famly, my lists are usually short. Maybe it comes from years of being a single mom and being grateful for every little thing, a phone call from some one remembering you, a card in the mail, a hug.

I'm blessed and grateful no matter what I get. I cherish the time I get to have with people. I believe it's the thought that counts. At the top of my list of blessings I count my family and friends. The ones who believe in me. I believe spending time with one another still matters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was always my favorite gift at Christmas...your handmade cards. Imagine my delight this year when we received your Christmas card!

Thanks for the thought...it IS what matters!

Merry Christmas Morrisons!